Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Scientists Search for Magic Bullet of Hibernating Bears

The ingenious purpose of bear hibernation is to prevent starvation during times of unavailable food.  During 6-7 months bears do not drink, eat, urinate, or defecate.  Their heartbeat may be 8 beats per minute, body temperature falls 10 degrees.  And metabolism drops 75%.

NASA  is thinking about inducing a torpid state or hibernation in voyaging astronauts to reduce boredom, and reduce energy requirements (food).

It is likely that the genetic basis for this ability is ancient and widespread and that it could be exploited for various purposes.  Its research could discover how to reduce metabolic rates and oxygen demands in human tissues, and could possibly save lives.  The implications are many:  osteoporosis, renal disease, heart, circulatory disease, etc.

Scientists search for the substance that will induce hibernation or the "hibernation induction trigger: or  "HIT" but haven't located it yet.  They have induced hibernation only in thirteen-lined ground squirrels  but it doesn't seem to work with other creatures such as hamsters. 

Bears are fascinating creatures...

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Mankind once Spoke to the Animals

Many medicine men state there was a time when man and animals communicated freely and directly with each other   In modern days, man is not in tune with this deep link with animals.  This former communication allowed the animals to instruct man in man things, in medicine and survival.We Could Talk with the Animals

An old native Chief died in Alaska in the 1970’s.  His family  was a member of the Bear clan.  As his body was taken back to be buried in Angoon, as the truck rolled by bears materialized out of the woods and lined the road.  Some of the bears stood up. (Calvin Martin, Rutgers University)

“At other times, when too many bears came out of the forest some of the elders would talk to the bears, telling them they might scare the children, and to stay away.  Bears respected this.”